Author: Webmaster

Meditation and Book Discussion Group

Please note our meditation and book discussion group are on summer break.  They will be resume in the Fall. If you have an interest in learning how to meditate, followed by lively discussions about literature related to meditation and more, please contact Christine Allen at

Visit YouTube for Current and Past Sunday Services

You can now access First Parish in Cohasset Sunday Worship Services by going to The Sunday Worship Service begins live streaming at 10:00 am.  Rev. Bob broadcasts from the Meeting House, and is accompanied by Joel Davidson, Interim Music Director, who provides music for reflection and hymns for the congregation to sing at home.  … Continue reading Visit YouTube for Current and Past Sunday Services

First Parish’s Memorial Garden

There have been great turnouts for garden care, in spite of the heat. The idea of being together and doing something for church was just too powerful! Garden committee members and volunteers included Jane Goedecke and her sister, Harriet, Nancy Robertson, JoAnne Chittick, Dee Lehner, Penny Myles, Bev Burgess, and John Kornet. If  you would … Continue reading First Parish’s Memorial Garden