Becoming a Member
Are you considering becoming a member here at First Parish Cohasset?
We’re a covenantal faith tradition, meaning we make promises to one another (covenant), but we do not require members to adhere to a specific creed or doctrine. We come together in community to share transcendent moments, to build bridges of respect between those with differing beliefs and backgrounds, and to love and serve each other and the world.
That means that in becoming a member you are committing to be active in relationship to this community, committing to attempt to grow in love, peace, acceptance, tolerance with those around you, and committing to share of your time, talent, and treasure within the church. We will invite you to discover new opportunities to serve within the church or through social action. We request that, within your means, you make a financial pledge to the church that reflects the value you (and your children, if this applies) receive from being involved here.
Our Bylaws outline the path to membership. A prospective member schedules a meeting with our minister, Rev. Dan Harper, who can answer any questions and give a brief introduction to our religious tradition and our congregation. Then the prospective member signs the Membership Book in the presence of the minister and at least one member of the Parish Committee. The prospective member also makes a financial contribution of record, or asks for a waiver of this requirement (remember that if you put cash in the offering plate on Sunday, that won’t get credited to you unless you place the cash in an envelope with your name on it).
Once a year, generally in the springtime, we like to recognize those who have signed the Membership Book in a short ceremony during a Sunday service.
If you have any questions about the path to membership, please contact our minister, Rev. Dan Harper. You can make an appointment with him by contacting the First Parish office.
We look forward to getting to know you!