Speaker: Holly Harris

Joys of Summer

Sharing a few favorites and inviting those present to consider enjoying them year-round.


Let’s discuss:  What does it mean to belong? Do we belong to First Parish, or does First Parish belong to us? Is it both? Does it matter? Why or why not?

Death Cafe

Join us for coffee (byo), cake (provided) and conversation (ample) at our first ever Death Cafe at First Parish.  This is an opportunity for participants to reflect upon and share what they think is important.  Individuals can discuss their understanding, thoughts, dreams, fears and all other areas of death and dying. It is a discussion … Continue reading Death Cafe


Join us for our first of the summer season lay-led service at 9am.  Holly Harris will explore the subject of “Transitions” and consider a few of its many manifestations in life.  All are welcome!