This Week in Religious Education: Interdependence and Independence

Interdependence defined and bottom right of picture shows three colorful stick figures (green, yellow, and blue) each doing their part to keep wheels spinning to show they are each part of a process.
This Week in Religious Education:  Interdependence and Independence


10:15 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

This Sunday, we introduce our April theme of the month – The Gift of Interdependence (the relationship between two or more living things where each one benefits from the other).  In this week’s session, we explore what interdependence means for us as Unitarian Universalists, the difference between independence and interdependence, and how our faith teaches us and lifts up the idea that we can’t go it alone.  In Sunday’s session we are going to explore how being connected or interdependent widens our sense of who we are and reminds us we’re not alone.

Religious education at First Parish is open to all children ages 5-17.  You need not be “enrolled” or a member to attend.  Come check out a session!  Classes are scheduled from 10:15-11:00 am Sunday mornings during the school year (mid-September through mid-June). Typically, children worship at the Meetinghouse (30 N. Main St. / church with the clock tower on the Common) with their families for the first part of the worship service, and then the RE Director and their teachers walk across the street to the Parish House (23 N. Main St.) for classes. Parents can pick up their children at the Parish House after the worship service before attending social time with the community.