First Parish Members of the Year Announced!

In its discretion, the Parish Committee from time to time designates Members of the Year in recognition of extraordinary service to this congregation. The deserving recipients of this year’s award, whose names will be memorialized in First Parish history by engraving on the plaque in the Meetinghouse vestibule are Lisa Dunne and Kenny Paul!  Honorees were announced at the April 7th Sunday service.  Parish Committee Chair, Holly Harris, congratulated and commended both for their dedicated service to First Parish and, in particular, for their roles on the Property Committee wherein their leadership was tantamount to the success of the Capital Campaign renovations being largely completed over a three-year period including during the pandemic.  Their tireless and countless efforts have gone above and beyond keeping the Parish House and the Meetinghouse in pristine, restored condition.  We owe them both a debt of gratitude and a round of First Parish applause!
Three people shown on Meetinghouse alter. Speaker is at the pulpit, honorees are to the left listening to the speaker as the award certificates are shown.  Honorees shown smiling and shaking each other's hand.
        Holly Harris, Parish Committee Chair, shows award certificates for newly honored Members of the Year, Lisa Dunne and Kenny Paul of the First Parish Property Committee.
(photos taken by Beverley Burgess)